Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Meet Dana

Skipping ahead a month, we moved forward with our surrogate, Dana. I have not looked back since. She has been so incredible through this whole process and has been a good support system for me to reach out to. She has 4 children of her own, two of which are twin girls! She lives in Kansas City. 

We have been so blessed to find someone that we feel comfortable with, can trust and really like.

Her and I were taking shots at the same time to prepare for the transfer which was Easter Sunday. My egg retrieval was a few days before Easter Sunday. I was told they retrieved 21 eggs, a few days later I found that only 14 survived fertilization. Then on Easter Sunday, we arrived to the clinic and the embryologist let us know that out of the 14 embryos, we only had 2 that made it far enough to use.

These two embryos were transferred into our surrogate. My husband and I were able to watch during the transfer. Pretty Amazing! An Easter Sunday, we will never forget. 

Now, we wait 10 days to find out if we are pregnant. The percentage is 50%.

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